Monday, January 7, 2008

Mommy Sanity!

Well, a sigh a relief is breathed as all of the present have been unwrapped and put away, the decorations have been taken down until next winter, and the kids are slowly settling back into a normal schedule.................but then again, it's kind of sad.............all of that excitement and tradition and now what???????????? Here in Indiana, winter is quite gloomy and blah!!!! What do you do as a mommy or just as a working gal to fight away the winter doldrums??? Share your brilliant ideas with me!


Jenny W said...

i have asked myself that question 30 times this week already and it's only tuesday:) the holidays are over and we have the winter still ahead. bluck. january is statistically the month when women either cut their hair off or paint the inside of the house... especially in nw indiana cuz we're so stinking b o r e d !!!!!

Elizabeth F. said...

I say go get your hair fixed and a pedicure! Gettting your toes done makes you feel special. OTher than that, lots of playdates with your girlfriends. Go to that indoor playground at the church where we had birthday parties a couple years ago...Sara can tell you the name of it. I have forgotten cause it's been so long. he..he...