Saturday, October 20, 2007

I've finally done it!

Yes, that's right! I have finally stepped out and created my own blog. After months and months of reading everyone else's blogs and signing up for contests as a non-blogger, I have finally done it! I am not sure why I haven't done it sooner. Goodness knows, I am always looking for a good forum to show off my latest baby pics! So welcome to all and let the fun begin!


Sarafu said...

Yay!!! Good for you! I am so excited. I guess I should get back on the band wagon and post something on my own blog.

Elizabeth F. said...

Yay! Good for you. Isaac is so cute and sooo big! Oh my goodness how he's grown. If you need any blogger help, just shoot me an email.

Moohaa said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I've only done it for a week or so now.

Your little guy is so cute!

Jenny W said...

welcome to the addicting world of the blogosphere. even for those of us who don't have time to blog more than once or twice a week, it can SERIOUSLY become a sickness:)

Gretchen said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm pretty new myself... but I've learned that it is TOTALLY addictive, but loads of FUN!!

BTW, what a cute little guy you have!! :)